Thursday, 26 April 2012

Udk Today (19/4/12)

Today In class I did many things. Firstly I created a to do list. Padraig wrote up all the things that were mandatory for our game. I took down all the things I had not got and made sure I would do them over the next few weeks. The first thing I had to do was create particle effects. I added a fire particle effect to my houses and duplicated it. I then resized the flame and rotated it to create a variety of fires. Next I had to create physics effects. First we watched a few tutorials and then we started to make them. I learned about K-Actors. These are meshes that can be shot and moved. I learned about cloth, I wanted to use this in my game. I created the cloth material an followed the steps in the game. A problem arose when UDK said it would have no shdow. I fixed this in the properties. Next I learned about soft bodies. This was a jelly like substance that can be used in my game. I did not add this in although I might use it for mud another day. Another thing I had to do was to create an intro scene. I watched the tutorials first and then started to make one. I wanted to make a scene that would show off the level and then zoom to the character. I first created a new matinee. Then I used the lock too tool to lock to the camera and postion it where I wanted it for the first frame. I created a new camera track in the matinee. I then created my sequence using key frames and moving the camera. Below is the code for the camera scene.
The last thing I done today was was create announcements. I was going to put my game in the exhibition so i created text announcements to tell the player what to do.