Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Mario's Adventure: The Review

Hello, This is a review for the game Marios Adventure on the website The game is not made the nintendo. But is still pretty great and lives up to what you would expect from a 2d mario game. The game fits into the genre of a 2d sidescrolling platformer and it fits perfectly ticking all the boxes.

The plot of Mario's Adventure is, as always save the princess as she has been captured (again..). Mario must make his way through tonnes of exciting levels to the castle and then progress through the castle, beat the boss and save the princess.....Simple, you would think. But then again this is a Mario game were talking about. The levels are filled with bricks, floating platforms, enemies, powerups and hitten items too.

The graphics of Marios Adventure are pretty good. I wouldnt call it perfect but they are good for an online game. The style is cartoony and colourful. This makes you feel that the game is aimed at children. But I beg to differ. This game can be very difficult at times. So this makes me feel like it is aimed at hardcore gamers in the form of adults or teens. So with graphics aimed at kids and a play style aimed at hardcore players where can you go wrong?

The controls in the game are simple. Use the arrows to move and crouch, and use the space bar to jump. These controls are all that is needed to navigate through the different worlds. The game has a nice feel to it and can be very fun to play. Although at some points it will make you want to pull out your hair.

The game has a great learning curve. It starts off very simple. It then gets slightly harder, and harder, and harder....until it's near impossible. But nothing is impossible said some wise man. But if you feel like this i reccomend you have alot of free time before you start playing Mario's Adventure. The game will drag you in and you will find it very difficult to stop playing.

Mario's Adventure has a pretty good replay value. Because the plot is so simple it allows you to keep playing. It doesn't matter if you know the ending or not this game will always be fun as you play through the whacky worlds.

The audio in this game is not amazing. I mean its not terrible and it suits the game but to me it just doesnt cut it. Games nowadays need a soundtrack that adds a sence of atmospere and anticipation to the game. The sound track in Mario's Adventure doesn't reach this standard. It just really adds to the childish appeal of the game and its fun factor, Which is not a bad thing. I just wouldnt have chosen it.

Which brings me to the conclusion. Mario's Adventure is a great game. But it has some fall backs. I feel it is aimed at adults but styled for kids. This is great for the developers but not so great for the player as both kids and adults will feel that the game is missing important elements. The music could be better and it would be more enjoyable if it wasn't so frustratingly difficult.

-Fun Game
-Lives Up To Expectations

-Very Difficult at Times
-Time Consuming
-Poor Sense of Atmospere
-Game is having a mid life crysis (adult or child)

For These Reasons im going to rate this game as follows:
Rating. 55/100

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