Thursday 15 March 2012

Udk Ui Scenes and 3rd person Camera

Today in UDK i learned hot to create a user interface scene using Scaleform GFX. The first part of this procedure was to install the gfx plugin to adobe flash. Next I set up 2 profiles one for scaleformgfx and one for scaleformgfxnodebug. Next i learned some rules about creating images for ui scenes. They must be png's, they must be a multiple of 2. I then learned that I must create the package and group first before Importing it to UDK. I then learned that the image used must be put into a folder of the same name as the .swf file. Next I learned that I had to change the properties to the image. I had to turn on allow smoothing, set compression to lossless then export for actionscript 2.0 and remove the extension from the identifyer.

I the n saved and published my scene and it was ready to be imported into udk. Here is an image of the code I used for the ui scene.

This code also shows how I set up my camera to 'behindview'

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