Thursday 1 December 2011

First Day Of UDK Tutorials.

Today I looked at 4 Tutorials in UDK for making a simple level.

In the first tutorial I learned: BSP means Binary Space Partician. CSG Brushes (CSG Add) are used to create solid geometry. Space Bar is used to change the translation Widget. I learned that you must build after any change is made if you want to see it. BSP is used to define primary surfaces and CSG cannot be changed. But brushes can be used to edit them.
Also in the first tutorial I learned some Guidelines.
1 Use Additive Levels.
2 Keep Brushes Simple.
3 Allign Brush Edges.
4 Allign Textures.
5 Static Meshes handle Detail.
6 Remember Brush Orders (Add First Then Subtract)

In the second tutorial i learned: Right-Click brushes to put in property sizes. F4 or Rightclick also opens properties. Right click also snaps to the grid lines. In order to edit the shape of a brush first turn on wireframe and then use geometry mode to rearrange vertices.

In the third Tutorial i learned: Hold down mouse wheel to take measurements. Rightclick a vertice in 2d view to add navigation widget to vertice. This also snaps to grid line. Alt + Drag will duplicate a brush.
The X axis is Red, The Y is Green and the Z is blue.

This is what i made today.

I look forward to learning much more in UDK

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