Thursday 19 January 2012


Today I started making materials for my 3d game. First I downloaded Images From like this picture of grass.

Next I opened this image in photoshop and inserted it to a canvas of the right size (512x512 for this one) I then used the offset option to split the image into 4 equal sections and flip them to their opposite side. Next I added a Hue/saturation layer. This allowed me to see the areas that were darker of lighter than others. Next I used the Doge tool to Lighten the areas that were too dark. I used the clone tool to make sure there were no parts standing out that would make the texture look tiled. I then saved the Image as a Targa file (.tga)

Next I opened the image in Crazybump. This gave me many options to create a normal for the Image. WHen I was satisfied with the texture I was making I saved that as a Targa file too.

I then Opened UDK. In udk I opened the content browser and created a new material. Icalled It Grass_Material. I then imported the two images I created. Then in the material editor I added them by holding T and left clicking. I then saved the material and save the package too.

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