Thursday 12 January 2012

UDK Terrains and Textures.

Today I learned how to make textures using Photoshop and how to make normals using Crazy bump. A normal has height volumes, when its used with a texture it creates a material.

I learned that textures should be made in multiples of 64px. In photoshop you use the filter tab, other and then offset. This allows you to cut the image into 4 parts. Then you swap the pieces with there diagonal opposite. If I reduce the Hue it makes it much easier for me to see the dark and light spots. Then i use the dodge tool to change the dark or light of the image. Next I use the clonestamp tool. This allows me to cover up Lines in the image so there is no visable seam.

I also watched a video of a terrain tutorial today. I learned that terrain is made using brush type tools and static meshes can be painted with a brush too.

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